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Download ( All About my school activity ) free pdf Printable Book Templates

It's very useful to encourage our kids to do an all about my school project especially during this period of locking – down. As a lot of  of them can't go to school buildings, we want them to remember their schools , classmates and teachers. 

All About my school free Printable Book Templates :

These free templates will be helpful for our kids to make a memorable book .You as a teacher or a parent can divide "All about my school " project throughout the week.

How to use All About My school free Printable Book Templates :
This activity needs our student to give some information about their school names and they time they go and come back from this school. They can remember how many classes there are at school .They have to write down their school subjects . They will have a good chance to draw and color a portrait for themselves with their friends. They will draw themselves going to their schools. They can finish this nice activity by sending a message to their teachers and schools , especially they are away of them. 

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